Some people resist change - there’s no doubt about that. But what are we doing that might be preventing people from getting on board with changes we're making within our organization?
Consider this list of top mistakes managers make when implementing change and see if you can identify with any of these:
Being too reactive to stop and plan for the change
Being too task oriented and not realizing that people need to buy-in emotionally
Not being aware of how much personal change people might be dealing with
Not knowledgeable or respectful of the change process
Forgetting that you have been aware of the change for a while, while others are just learning of it and need time to process and buy-in
Not explaining the “why” behind the change
Not allowing people time to ask questions
Not knowing or respecting DiSC styles and how each person reacts to change
Misunderstanding the underlying reason people are resisting the change
Neglecting to build good relationships so people can trust in you and the change you are requesting
Thinking you told people once and they should get it
Expecting everyone to have the same gung-ho attitude that you have about making things happen
Are there any I’ve forgotten that you think may be holding you back?
Join us today for a FREE webinar at 2pm EST on How to Intentionally Lead People Through Change, and get in on the discussion. Participants can type in confidential comments and questions for Laurie to answer live!
Hope to see you there! Laurie